Great tips on Media Transfers, Printing and Duplication! — Duplication
What Files Can I Store on a CD?

By storing files on CD you can organize music, photos, and documents, not to mention clearing off your hard drive. Read on to discover what files will work and how.
Duplication vs. Replication: What’s the Difference?
Blu-ray CD Duplication DVD Replication

Understanding the many differences between CD or DVD replication and duplication can help you decide which process is best for your project. Here you’ll learn more about the differences between the two and which process will best suit your project.
Three Things to Remember When Creating a Retail DVD

Selling retail DVDs is a great way to share a project with the world. We have compiled a list of advice for giving the DVD you create a professional edge. Here are three helpful things to remember when creating a retail DVD.
Top Four Reasons Why Every Band Needs Demo CDs

All Artists need a way to showcase their work, and bands are no different. A demo CD is a useful tool for any aspiring band or recording artist looking for exposure. Read on to learn the top five reasons why every band needs demo CDs.
DIY DVD Video Authoring: What You Need to Know

Need to store or transfer your video files? DVDs are the perfect format for any of these tasks. DVD authoring allows you to create DVDs that are playable on any DVD player. Learn here about the basics of DIY video DVD authoring.